Energy - Flexible & reliable solutions

Energy is the foundation of all things. It supports people’s livelihoods and stimulates economic activity. ATAI Group offers solutions that fuel prosperous and resilient businesses, providing you with the necessary energy, especially in challenging situations where energy availability may be uncertain. We encourage you to pursue your goals with confidence, as ATAI Group will ensure energy supply wherever you conduct your business.

Globally, we are your close ally!

Do you need a generator?

What do we do?

Investing in power generators can prove to be a wise decision for extensive projects, such as establishing a permanent emergency power infrastructure. At our main facilities, we offer an extensive inventory of power generators, engines, and accessories. Our team is immediately available to guide you in using new or second-hand systems, traditional or hybrid solutions. Our singular goal is to ensure your energy resilience.

Why us?

Reliable access to energy assured;

Providing rental, sale, service, and customized energy options;

In-house expertise in engineering, manufacturing, service, maintenance, and transportation;

Energy accessibility guaranteed anytime and anywhere around the world.